Friday 13 September 2013

Fraser Island....Part two.

A typical view across the island. The locals said the road conditions were the worst they have been for many years. This photo doesn't do the poor conditions justice.

 Checking out the remains of the ship Maheno.

Fun at Champagne Pools.

 We all loved Eli Creek....

Off to Lake McKenzie....

Dishes time.

Our walk up the 2.2 km sand hill. KJ said it was Tatooine. Obviously we are not Sandpeople....(hint) "Sandpeople walk in single file to disguise their numbers."Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The land Rover standing proud amongst all the tourist buses.

The Pinnacles. Up to 12 different sand colours can be collected from this point.

The Dingo grid. Electrified grid....

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