Friday 26 July 2013

New England part two and Dangar National park....

 A walk down to the base of Dangar Falls

Dorrigo Rainforest walk

KJ trying out his photographic skills

Ebor Falls

New England national Park

 Had to check out the Griffiths lookout....

 The view....

Our campground at Dangar Falls

Dangar Falls

Dorrigo main street and following some photos taken in the town, a great history lesson.

CSG and KJ couldn't believe that milk hadn't always been bought in a carton.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

New England National Park

An interesting drive into the park, our first experience on dirt with the caravan and it had been raining for several hours.

Our free camp spot made it all worth while....

 Quite happy to be settled without having skidded off the muddy roads....note fishing rod in right hand corner.

We enjoyed some marshmallows that night. CSG was chief fire marshall.

The next day cleared up to provide us with some stunning views....

Ebor Falls

Back to NENP for a three hour hike to Eagles Nest Lookout and Weeping Rock.

A bit of an indicator of the hike....we all agreed it was awesome....

 Another day. Guess what we are feeding?

Here is a hint.....

 And another, these are two years old?

Back home, inspired to try some fly fishing....

Loved this picture, back in those days - cars  only  had 1 horse power....must be a Holden.




 V8 Utes....

And apparently famous for something else? See you next time in January....

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Dubbo Zoo - Part Two....

 The answer to why we were wearing helmets....

 Scurry, scratch, sniff,  Scurry, scratch, sniff, Scurry, scratch, sniff, Scurry, scratch, sniff.....

 Happy came over to greet us, when we came back the second day, he had moved two feet....

 A couple of souvenirs to remind us of the zoo, we hope the keepers won't mind....