Tuesday 16 July 2013

Broken Hill - Part two

 Loved the contrast - old with the new....

 In the background kai and Cloe found a Jawa transporter....it ended up being a memorial building for the miners.

 Love Pro Hart....

Goodbye Broken Hill....


  1. Looks like you enjoyed the first stop, the buildings there are older than I thought. I am sure Andrew enjoyed the Pro Hart gallery. Cloe & Kai looked like they are having fun already! I am not sure what the Interceptor would have thought of that for a baby:)& if it's half past, it must always be beer o"clock! Hope you are enjoying your trip, & that you are keeping ahead of the wet weather. Love to you all, the Willys

  2. Good to sit down again and see what you've been up to on your travels. Love the variety of colours and images in your photos. I think I've been to Broken Hill when I was a child but don't remember much about it! Looks like Cloe and Kai have got the adventurous spirit. Great to see you're making the most of your time away with the family. Can't wait to catch up on more of your blog. Cheers, Stuart
