Wednesday 17 July 2013


 Lunch on the way to Dubbo from Broken Hill. Lots of rain prior to our arrival, blue skies for us.

 Dubbo Zoo....amazing.

 Up close to some Bison

Stripes the latest new born in the Zoo

King Julian the one on the right, giving us attitude....I included the polite photo!


  1. No wonder you were looking forward to the Dubbo Zoo. It looks as though you are right in there with the animals, and that you all enjoyed them. Not sure if the blue skies are holding up, we have had rain for the last 4 days! We don't mind though. Keep enjoying your travels, & we will keep enjoying your blog. Love the Willys

  2. Missed you at the start of the new term but you are with us in Spirit. I have to ask, are helmets necessary to protect you from charging animals or had you been riding bikes? All of your photos are excellent and we can see you are having a fantastic time. Take care. Fords x

  3. Well, it looks like you're well set up with the 4wd & caravan. Its amazing that the weather turned out well for you all. I love the idea of an open plain zoo...looks like a lot of fun & you can get right up and close to the different animals. I'm going to the Monarto Zoo on Monday with some friends from Uni. You certainly know how to take a great photo...its awesome to see the family in the foreground. Its amazing how close you could get to the favourite would have to be the photo with the Bison in it. What a beautiful country we live in...hope you keep enjoying what this great South land has to offer! Cheers, Stuart
