Friday 23 August 2013

Cairns, Undara Volcanic National Park and Mossman Gorge.

Not Barra and prawns for dinner again!....

Our friend Mrs Skippy at Undara.

Back in the tent....

Rainforest trees follow the lava flows....

Looking out from one of the lava tubes. An estimated 23.3 km3 of lava flowed from the volcano at a rate of about 1000 m3 every second. A lava flow this large could fill Sydney Harbour in six days. It is thought that the lava flowed at a temperature of around 1200 °C.
The lava tubes and caves were formed when rivers of lava confined to a valley crusted over and formed a roof.

Undara lave tube....trying out a new photographic technique, can you see CSG?

On top of one of the volcanoes.

The roots of these trees are exposed because the soil is so water logged  for much of the year.

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