Wednesday 21 August 2013

Up to the top....part five.

Fruitbat falls

Dinner at Loyalty beach.

 Thursday Island.

Green Hill Fort, Thursday Island, used as a signals and wireless station during WW2. It was built as part of Australia's defence against a possible Russian invasion. It was reactivated during WW2. 

??? guess what this is???

Inside the fort.

 Across to Horn Island where we took the "In their steps tour." Incredible WW2 history. The photo above displays the remains of one of the trenches, we learnt that they were built with a great number of twists and turns so that if they were hit by a bomb the shrapnel wouldn't be able to travel the length of the trench, instead it would lodge itself into one of the corner walls.

The remains (wing) of one of the planes. We were told that to the right of the machine guns where ammo was meant to be stored, pilots often placed bottles of beer in them, so that they could return to base with cold beer for their mates....

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