Friday 16 August 2013

Up to the top....part one

On the Bloomfield track....

 An icecream on the way....scrumptious and a good way to cool down.

In the Daintree. Where the rainforest meets the sea.

Our first night camping...stayed in the "Jungle" and had fruit bats flying around us at dusk.

A quick stop at the Lion's Den.

At Cooktown and in particular the Museum. A highlight for us all as we learnt the history of Cooktown from 1770-2013. The dentist chair concerned us a little! No power, just a foot pedal to run the drill....

On the move again through Lakefield National Park.

1 comment:

  1. Just superb photography!
    Hope you don't mind (on a serious note for a second): please try to steer clear of bats (and their droppings) - The medical team in Flinders Hospital emergency kept asking whether Rohan had been in contact with bats...they say it's one potential source of encephalitis etc. Sorry about that, but had to let you know (your all too precious to have at risk). xx Harrys
